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Vivi Ball

femeie de succes pasională, trăiesc pentru a le oferi oamenilor divertisment de calitate, împletesc predarea cu actoria și spiritualitatea, neobosită, energică, amuzantă, creativă, reacționez rapid, lucrez bine sub presiune, învăț extrem de repede, muncitoare, bună, caldă, adaptabilă, lucrez foarte bine cu copiii, inspir, generez entuziasm, lider înnăscut

Why Deluded People Are So Charismatic

In a world where rationality is often prized, it’s paradoxical how individuals with deluded beliefs can captivate large audiences, sway opinions, and even amass cult-like followings. From charismatic actors spiraling into eccentricity to polarizing politicians and manipulative gurus, history abounds with examples of deluded yet mesmerizing personalities. What makes these individuals so persuasive, and why do their often unfounded ideas resonate so powerfully?